Haskell Typeclasses
Haskell typeclasses can be difficult to understand for those who are new to Haskell. I hope this article will make it easier for you to understand.
Typeclasses are basically a set of functions that can be thought of as behaviors. When a programmer defines a new type, they need to define new behaviors for that type. Sometimes different types can have same kinds of behaviors. So, instead of defining these behaviors separately for each type, they can make their types as instances of a typeclass. Let us go through the following examples of types and typeclasses to understand things in a better way.
data Gray = White | Blackclass Eqc a where
isEqual :: a -> a -> Bool
The name of the typeclass is Eqc, and a is the instance type. A typeclass can have many functions, here only one function is shown for simplicity. An instance of this typeclass needs to implement the function isEqual. Now let us show an instance of this typeclass.
instance Eqc Gray where
isEqual White White = True
isEqual White Black = False
isEqual Black White = False
isEqual Black Black = True
We can test our code on ghci as well.
ghci> isEqual White White
Now let us see how we can use the same Eqc typeclass with a different type instance.
data MyBool = Zero | Oneinstance Eqc MyBool where
isEqual Zero Zero = True
isEqual Zero One = False
isEqual One Zero = False
isEqual One One = True
We can again verify our implementation on ghci
ghci> isEqual One Zero
So, if we did not have the isEqual function of Eqc typeclass then we had to define two separate equality determining functions for both Gray and MyBool types. But with Eqc typeclass we got rid of that redundancy.
Now let us check the type of isEqual
ghci> :t isEqual
isEqual :: Eqc a => a -> a -> Bool
This means that — isEqual takes two parameters of type a ( where a is an instance of Eqc ) and returns a type Bool.
Now let us see some typeclass with multiple functions.
data RGB = Red | Green | Blue
class Eqrgb a where
isRed :: a -> Bool
isGreen :: a -> Bool
isBlue :: a -> Bool
isYellow :: a -> a -> Bool
instance Eqrgb RGB where
isRed Red = True
isRed _ = False
isGreen Green = True
isGreen _ = False
isBlue Blue = True
isBlue _ = False
isYellow Green Blue = True
isYellow Blue Green = True
isYellow _ _ = False
just to verify things on ghci
ghci> isYellow Red Green
ghci> isYellow Green Blue
ghci> isRed Red
Hope you enjoyed reading !